





The Original Bantam Tuning Manual

Modern Tuning

Including: General Preparation
Short Stroke Tuning
Frame Modifications

Gardener Carbs
Primary Drive Conversion

Useful tools, gadgets & thingumy bobs

How to....

Piston Pin Puller
Clutch Compression Tool
Sprocket Holding Tool

...Plug Read
...Identify Gearbox Problems




Piston 1.zip - Bore & Stroke Converter 
(510kb) contains PistonReadme.txt

To save Downloads: Right click on filename & select Save Target As...
is required to view the PDF's.  
Download it Free.

To submit tuning information for inclusion.
Email: andy.moulden@hotmail.com
Subject: Tuning
Include your information or attachment 
(please try to ensure that attachments are free from viruses and zipped if over 5mb)


©: BSA Bantam Racing 2001, 2002

update: Sept 2002